Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons,
Part 3: Marriage, Lovers and Family, Trans & Intersex Kids.
Part 4: Politics & Government, Celebrities, Sports, Festivals,
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Cops & Military, Imprisonment, Homeless Shelters, Nemeses.
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Deaths
Part 7: Dress Reform, Homeogender Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Music & Performance,
Part 8: Internet, Art, Radio, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema
Part 9: Jargon, News Media, Theses & Studies,
Part 10: Bookshops, Archives, Books.
Schools, Universities & Colleges
Jan Buterman, who was fired in 2008 from the Greater St. Albert School, Edmonton, because his sex change was not in line with Catholic values, obtained a ruling that his case should be heard by Alberta human rights tribunal.
Jennifer Finney Boylan named Barnard College's inaugural Anna Quindlen Writer-in-Residence.
Judith Butler on Raymond, Jeffries, construction, genetics, etc.
Laura Jane Klug, teacher, suspended, reinstated, outed, banned at Lumberton. Texas.
Karen Adell Scot, 56, teacher in California.
Pham Van Hiep, Binh Phuoc, has continued as a teacher for 6 years since transition.
Sophie Gilbert, California.
Walter Williamspled guilty to one offence and is facing <5 years in prison.
At North Carolina Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC), Andraya Williams was detained by a school guard on leaving the women's restroom despite showing her female id card, and next day suspended for "not presenting her ID to the guards".
At George Fox University, Oregon, Jaycen denied the right to live with his friends in a male dorm.
Karine Espineira obtained a PhD at the University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis in Information Science and Communication.
California schools adjusting to new law to treat students according to gender identity.
Delhi University introduced third gender category on its post-graduate application form.
Downey Unified School District, California, has settled a government claim that it discriminated against a transgender student.
University of Houston passed the Josephine Tittsworth Act, which allows students, faculty and staff “to apply their preferred first name, title and personally discerned gender in all standard forms of documentation or record keeping”.
Mills College, California, became the first higher education, all-female institution in the US to consider an application from any individual who self-identifies as a woman.
Northwestern University has 50 beds available for gender-open housing, but other problems remain.
At Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, protests continued against the continuing exclusion of transsexuals.
Spring Arbor University in Michigan and Simpson University in California granted the right by the US Department of Education to expel trans students. Spring Arbor also sought and was granted the right to expel gay and lesbian students.
TransTech,to equip people with a technical skill set for survival.
Vancouver School Board now allows trans students to dress, within existing school rules, according to their self-identified gender and to be called by a name or pronoun that matches their identity.
- Benjamin Riley. "Enforced gendered school uniforms harming trans*, gender-diverse students" Star Observer, May 13, 2014.
- Kiera Feldman. "Who Are Women’s Colleges For?". The New York Times, May 24, 2014.
- Katy Waldman. "The Wellesley Man: In the era of transgender rights, women’s colleges are struggling to figure out where their loyalties lie". Slate, June 2014.
Cops & Military
A Greek police officer hoping to continue in the job after transition to male.
Amanda McKay, ex-soldier, ex-cop, Glasgow, 51, transitioned.
Bradley Robert, Nevada, school district police officer, humiliating comments after transition, and told to use women's restroom, passed over for promotion.
Debbie Vincent, 52, ex-army, activist with Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) group against Cambridge-based Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) was jailed for six years.
Deborah Perry, 47, bomb disposal expert in Afghanistan.
Francesca Quaranta, 46, police officer in Connecticut, filed a complaint in 2013 against the department saying they had created a hostile work environment. Faith Jackson, the city's human relations director, says not so.
Helen Doe, 52, of the Croydon Trans Group and employed by the Metropolitan Police Uniform Services, charged with attempted murder of her brother.
Hereditary billionaire Jennifer Pritzker, 63, ex-army, donated money re trans in military, included in Forbes 400. GVWW.
Jenny, CIA officer.
Jessica Hawkins, D.C. Police Sergeant in transition.
Landon Wilson, US Navy cryptologic technician in Afghanistan, 24, told to choose between transitioning and continuing to serve.
Laura de Costa Teixeira, 33, Goiana, Pernaambuco, cop in charge of anti-drugs squad. GVWW.
María Pachón Monge is the first open trans woman in the Spanish Army.
Mykayla Connell, first openly transgender officer to graduate from San Francisco Police Academy.
M Shakti and K Shanmuganathan and 4 other trans trained by police to be part of Tamil Nadu Home Guard.
Ruth Rose, 81, ex-RAF, oldest person in UK to have transgender surgery.
Tamara Lusardi, disabled, civilian US Army employee won a discrimination suit.
Rikers Jail, New York to re-open gay-trans unit (previous version closed in 2005).
The Gay wing of the Los Angeles Men's Central Jail.
New Zealand, which has only 9 trans prisoners in its system allows inmates to be moved to jails of their identified gender, except for those facing or serving sexual offence charges.
93 days in a Turkish Transvestite ward.
Avsa on 64 days hunger strike after sexual harassment and violence.
CeCe McDonald, sentenced in 2012 to 41 months, for self-defense, in a Minnesota men's prison was released. More
Chelsea Manning petitioned for a legal name change, but was refused medical care.
Eisha Love, 26, Cook County, Illinois, forced into self-defense and now charged with murder.
"Jane Doe", under 16, has been held for nearly a year in a male detention center, despite having no pending criminal charges, forced to wear male clothing, and repeatedly referred to by her male name and male pronouns. She is now suing.
Michelle Kosilek, 65, Appeals Court affirmed previous judgement transgender inmates have a constitutional right to access transition-related care, including gender-confirming surgeries.
Kristina Olvera, 26, Oregon, 28 months for stealing 9 pairs of jeans, had been taking estrogen and living as a woman, but Oregon DOC will not let her do so while incarcerated.
Lakisha Short, serving 55 years for first-degree robbery and as a habitual offender, wishes to change his name to Kai. However Delaware law permits name changes only for religious reasons.
Marichuy, 23, held for over a year in immigrant detention center in Phoenix, Arizona, was raped by her cellmate.
Ophelia De’Lonta, has served 34 of 73 years for bank robbery, Virginia, who had sued for transgender surgery in 2011, was granted parole. "the possibility of a court forcing the state to pay for an inmate’s sex-change operation was not a factor in the parole decision" !
Paris Green, convicted of murder and approved for transgender surgery, was discovered having sex at Scotland's Cornton Vale women's prison, and was moved to the women's section of Edinburgh's Saughton prison.
Synthia China-Blast is serving a life sentence for the murder of 13-year-old Ebont Williams in 1993, although it is likely that she is a patsy. The Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) focused on Synthia China-Blast as part of its project of ending the practice of isolating trans prisoners in solitary. The SRLP asked Laverne Cox to read a letter from Synthia China-Blast on video, but did not share details with her about the murder of Ebony Williams. When apprised of the details, Laverne Cox, asked for the video to be removed.
Whitney Lee, 36, lived as a woman since was 18, Ohio, serving 3 years for forgery and theft, not allowed continuance of hormones, sued, judge ordered resumption.
Zahara Green, convicted of shop lifting, was placed by Georgia Department of Corrections in a men's prison. She was repeatedly raped by a gang member who considered her to be his property. She applied for protective custody to get away from him, but her rapist was moved to protective custody at the same time and put in the same cell.
- "Avşa’s Letter: Transsexuals and Turkish Prisons". LGBTI News, 2014/05/04.
- "UK: Prison officials concerned inmates may be identifying as transgender for ‘a soft life’". Pink News, 28 July 2014.
- Samantha Melamed. "Trans rights behind bars"., August 22, 2014.
- Daniel Genis. "A Gentleman's Guide to Sex in Prison". The Concourse, 9/18/14.
- Jessie Burkett. "The US Prison System May Be Exposing Transgender Prisoners To Rape". Vice News, October 4, 2014.
- "Why did the U.S. lock up these women with men?". Fusion, November 2014. "Immigration authorities claim they have one of the largest populations of trans women behind bars in the world."
Homeless shelters
Alexis, Los Angeles, advocating for a Transsexual Empowerment Shelter.
Christopher Hambrook, 37, Toronto, falsely claimed to be trans and attempted rape while in a women's shelter. Now in a men's jail indefinitely.
Finn, homeless in Vancouver.
Jodielynn Wiley, Dallas, refused by Salvation Army.
- Alex Abramovich. "1 in 3 transgender youth will be rejected by a shelter on account of their gender identity/expression". Homeless Hub, June 13, 2014.
"Now one of the things I find puzzling about it is that, when I look at the House of Lords debate on this legislation, those I agree with most are the radical right. Particularly the person I find that I agree with most, in here, and I’m not sure he will be pleased to find this, is Norman Tebbitt… Tebbitt also says that the savage mutilation of transgenderism, we would say if it was taking place in other cultures apart from the culture of Britain, was a harmful cultural practice, and how come we’re not recognising that in the British Isles." - Sheila Jeffreys, PhD, author, lecturer & academic, speaking at the Andrea Dworkin Commemorative Conference given at Oxford University’s Centre for the Study of Justice.
Sheila Jeffreys on ABC Radio’s Sunday Night Safran in February: “Transgenderism for men is about the right to imitate and pretend to be members of the subordinate class even though they are members of – biologically and were brought up in – the superior class. That was problematic for the black and white minstrels. It’s problematic generally when a group of people claim to be another group of subordinate people.”
Ernest Istook, former Oklahoma Republican Congressman: the transgender movement is nothing more than government propaganda.
Gavin McInnes was asked to leave the ad agency that he co-founded after publishing "Transphobia Is Perfectly Natural". He stands by his views. He was defended by trans woman Justine Tunney.
Jorge Lanata mocked Argentina's Gender Identity Law on his radio show and in particular attacked Florence de la V.
Julia Gasper, ex-UKIP candidate and chair claimed that the party is plagued with grotesque transsexuals referring to Nikki Sinclaire and Kellie Maloney.
Julie Burchill wrote some comments in a piece by Paris Lees, deleted them and apologized. Later in the year she attacked her local lesbian rabbi.
Keith Ablow, Fox News, "I don't see anything but toxicity from the notion of a person with female anatomy feeling free to use the urinal in the boys' rest room while a boy stands next to her and uses one, too. Governor Brown is one of the liberal politicians in the world who wants to sell people on the idea that he loves freedom when he is actually addicted to disempowering people."More.
Norman Tebbit, writing in the Daily Telegraph, 19 February 2014: "Who would feel safer if just before take-off the pilot of the airliner told the passengers that she had been promoted to command because they needed more transsexual Muslim captains to meet the airline's inclusivity target?"
Paul McHugh had an article published in The Wall Street Journal where he still repeated that being 'transgendered' is a mental disorder like anorexia or bulimia.
Phil Burress, head of Citizens for Community Values in Ohio, said that a proposal to expand Cleveland’s nondiscrimination ordinance to include protections for transgender people would allow “mentally disturbed” people to “be around women and girls in a women’s restroom".
Peter LaBarbera, Americans for Truth about Homosexuality: "“I have seen healthy young girls in their twenties with their healthy breasts removed to appear like men. Now imagine that. I saw that on stage at a so-called transgender conference a long time ago – this was in DC – and it was just shocking to me. These doctors who perform these operations — this should be illegal — these guys need to go to jail. This is almost the most analogous thing to the abortionist on that issue I can think of: these doctors exploiting these gender-confused individuals and making money off of them. Imagine a woman in her twenties who thinks she wants to be a man so she doesn’t want her breasts, and to have them removed; isn’t that awful? To pay for [that] as taxpayers [is] shocking.”
Toronto School Board trustee Sam Sotiropoulos tweeted that he "reserve[s] the right to not believe" in transgender identity until it is "scientifically proven" that trans people are not "mentally ill". When Global News interviewed him he backtracked.
Terry Wallbank and his mean-spirited article on New Zealand's welcome to Eliana Rubashkyn.
The Family Research Council’s Peter Sprigg and Craig James have called for an amendment to the US constitution to ban legal recognition of trans people.
Southern Baptist convention: trans people don't exist. Text by the author of the resolution.
RESOLVED, That we oppose efforts to alter one’s bodily identity (e.g., cross-sex hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery) to refashion it to conform with one’s perceived gender identity; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we continue to oppose steadfastly all efforts by any governing official or body to validate transgender identity as morally praiseworthy (Isaiah 5:20); and be it further
RESOLVED, That we oppose all cultural efforts to validate claims to transgender identity; and be it finally
Mark Angelo & Jessica Lynn Cummings softly interviewed Cathy Brennonon on Transition Radio TV.