Channel: A Gender Variance Who's Who
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Some Events of 2014: Part 9: Jargon, Magazines & Newspapers, Journal Articles & Studies


Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons,
Part 3: Marriage, Lovers and Family, Trans & Intersex Kids.
Part 4: Politics & Government, Celebrities, Sports, Festivals,
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Cops & Military, Imprisonment, Homeless Shelters, Nemeses.
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Deaths
Part 7: Dress Reform, Homeogender Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Music & Performance,
Part 8: Internet, Art, Radio, Television, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema
Part 9: Jargon, Magazines & Newspapers, Journal Articles & Studies,
Part 10: Archives, Theses, Books.


Utah language school fires blogger for writing about ‘homophones’.

Cisplaining - To explain, without ever having felt the necessity to investigate the issue, that there are only two genders which are fixed and invariable for every individual at birth. Usually assumes equal lack of introspection on the part of transgender people who are likely to have spent their whole life questioning what gender means. The cisplainer is often shocked and angry when their cisplanation is not taken as absolute fact, criticized or even rejected altogether. Urban Dictionary.

SWERF - Acronym for "Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist". A person who espouses to be a feminist but who does not believe that women engaged in ANY form of voluntary sex work should be included in the fight for equality, especially in employment or salary parity. This rabid exclusion of an entire class of women is usually a belief based on misplaced uptight morality. Urban Dictionary.

Transface - When a transgender character in a movie or television show is portrayed by a non-transgender man or woman. Considered to be offensive by some transgender people, analogous to blackface portrayals of people of African descent. Modified from Urban Dictionary.

Dead Name - The birth name of somebody who has changed their name. Most commonly attributed to trans people, but can be attributed to any person who has changed their name. (sometimes written as two words: dead name). It has not caught on re the maiden name of a married woman. Modified from Urban Dictionary.

trans*sexual – as the * in trans* = vestite or gender or sexual, to put the * in the middle of trans*sexual is to lose the plot.

The Tranny words

Magazines and newspapers:

Kate Stone, after surviving being gored by a stag, was dismayed by the cavalier way that her past personal life had been featured in some newspapers while she was still in a coma. The Press Complaints Commission accepted her complaint, and six newspapers agreed to amend their online stories.

Murder victim Mayang Prasetyo, referred to as a 'she-male', and mainly bikini photographs used. Media anlysis.

Janet Mock named a contributing editor at Marie Clair.

Grayson Perry was guest editor at The New Stateman.

Chelsea Manning has written for The Guardian.

Jillian Page, Montreal Gazette, denounced Chelsea Manning as a 'traitor' and, strangely for a journalist, was surprised to find that her opinion is not universal.


    Afghanistan: Ruth Styles. "The Afghan girls forced to live as BOYS: Families make their daughters dress, act and play like males - all for fear of being shunned because they have no sons". The Daily Mail, 2 October 2014. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2776387/The-Afghan-girls-forced-live-BOYS-Families-make-daughters-dress-act-play-like-males-fear-shunned-no-sons.html.
    Albania: Annabel Fenwick Elliott. "'I became a Sworn Virgin to inherit my family's land and protect my nine younger sisters': The Albanian mountain women prepared to take a vow of celibacy and forever dress, work and live as men". The Daily Mail, 12 March 214. www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2577855/Dont-confuse-lesbian-Meet-tribe-Albanian-mountain-women-dress-work-live-men.html.
    Argentina: Sarah Raphael. "Prostitution Is Argentina's Last Hurdle for the Equality of Trans People". Vice, May13, 2014. https://news.vice.com/article/prostitution-is-argentinas-last-hurdle-for-the-equality-of-trans-people.
    Ignacia de los Reyes. "Por qué Argentina lidera la revolución trans en el mundo". BBC Mundo, 16 mayo 2014. www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/noticias/2014/05/140516_argentina_trans_derechos_revolucion_lgbt_irm.shtml.
    Cambodia: Sean Teehan & Vandy Muong. "‘I know it’s bad for my health, but I want to be a woman’". The Phnom Penh Post, 29 November 2014. www.phnompenhpost.com/post-weekend/%E2%80%98i-know-it%E2%80%99s-bad-my-health-i-want-be-woman%E2%80%99.
    Costa Rica: Fabiola Pomareda. "Transgender Costa Ricans fight discrimination over name-change rights". The Tico Times, September 6 2014. www.ticotimes.net/2014/09/06/transgender-costa-ricans-fight-discrimination-over-name-change-rights.
    Cuba: Jeremy Lybarger. "New Photobook Documents the Travails of Transgender Cubans: A living hell has become hopeful under Raúl Castro.". Mother Jones, May 8, 2014. www.motherjones.com/media/2014/05/transcuba-transgender-photos-cuba-castro.
    Europe: Emine Saner. "Europe's terrible trans rights record: will Denmark's new law spark change? Denmark has become the first European country to allow legal change of gender without a medical expert statement. Why are clinical diagnosis and surgery still insisted upon elsewhere?". The Guardian, 1 September 2014. http://www.theguardian.com/society/shortcuts/2014/sep/01/europe-terrible-trans-rights-record-denmark-new-law.
    India: Murali Krishnan. "Indian transgender community not keen on voting". Deutcher Welle, 26.03.2014. www.dw.de/indian-transgender-community-not-keen-on-voting/a-17520812.
    Arshiya Khullar. "The transgender community: Legally invisible no more?". CNN World, April 17, 2014. www.cnn.com/2014/04/17/world/asia/countries-introduce-gender-neutral-policies-for-transgenders.
    Indonesia: Ratna Fitriana. "My Experience Working With Jakarta’s Transgender Community". Jakarta Globe, May 15, 2014. http://thejakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/features/experience-working-jakartas-transgender-community.
    Jess Engebreston. "Transgender women find a safe place to practice their faith in Indonesia". PRI, July 03, 2014. www.pri.org/stories/2014-07-03/transgender-women-find-safe-place-practice-their-faith-indonesia.
    Iran:"Gay Iranians pressured to surgically change gender, seek asylum". CBCRadio, November 28, 2014. www.cbc.ca/thecurrent/episode/2014/11/28/gay-iranians-pressured-to-surgically-change-gender-seek-asylum/index.html.
    Rocelle Terman. "Trans[ition] in Iran". World Policy Institute. www.worldpolicy.org/transition-iran.
    Ireland: Kat Callahan. "New Report Details Ireland's Problem of Transphobic Violence"Jezebal, 6/22/14. http://roygbiv.jezebel.com/new-report-details-irelands-problem-of-transphobic-viol-1594601489.
    Malaysia:"Malaysia: Transgender People Under Threat: Eliminate Discriminatory Laws, Practices; End Violence". Human Rights Watch, September 25, 2014. http://www.hrw.org/news/2014/09/24/malaysia-transgender-people-under-threat.
    "Malaysia among worst countries in world for transgenders-report". The Daily Mail, 25 September 2014. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-2768923/Malaysia-worst-countries-world-transgenders-report.html.
    Mongolia: Jordan G. Teicher. "Transgender in Mongolia". Slate, March 3 2014. www.slate.com/blogs/behold/2014/03/03/_lvaro_laiz_photographs_the_transgender_community_in_mongolia_in_his_series.html.
    Alvaro Laiz. "The secret lives of transgender Mongolians". CNN Style, 8 April 2014. http://edition.cnn.com/2014/04/08/asia/gallery/the-secret-lives-of-transgender-mongolians.
    New York: Chris Arnade. "Transgender Latinas' stories reveal how much intolerance they still endure: Facing poverty and with no support network, some Latina transwomen turn to the streets to survive". The Guardian, 18 May 2014. www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/18/transgender-latina-women-sex-work-intolerance.
    Peshawar: Beenish Ahmed. "Pakistan's Transgender Community Is Hiding Out in a Hostile City". Vice, May 16, 2014. www.vice.com/read/pakistans-transgender-community-is-hiding-out-in-a-hostile-city.
    Russia: Dinah Pavlovna. "Russian drag queens reflect on anti-gay law one year later". Xtra, Oct 12, 2014. http://dailyxtra.com/world/news/russian-drag-queens-reflect-anti-gay-law-one-year-later.
    Yana Sitnikova. "Transgender Activism in Russia". Freedom Requires Wings, January 2014. http://www.freedomrequireswings.com/2014/01/report-transgender-activism-in-russia.html.
    Spain: Raquel Martinex Carrascal. "El 80% de los transexuales de Castilla y León emigran por la discriminación". El Norte de Castilla, 22 noviembre 2014. www.elnortedecastilla.es/palencia/201411/22/transexuales-castilla-leon-emigran-20141122130506.html.
    South Africa: Leigh Ann van der Merwe. "There is a Voice that is Silent from Africa". IGLHRC, December 27, 2013. http://iglhrc.wordpress.com/2013/12/27/there-is-a-voice-that-is-silent-from-africa.
    Turkey: Jody Sabral. "Turkey's Transgender Community Finds New Voice". Huffington Post, 04/06/2014. www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/jody-sabral/turkeys-transgender-community-finds-new-voice_b_5091128.html.
    Ukraine: Nadzeya Husakouskaya. "The sex change commission in Ukraine" ODR, 22 October 2014. https://opendemocracy.net/od-russia/nadzeya-husakouskaya/sex-change-commission-in-ukraine.
    Vietnam. "Transgenders seek black market sex changes amid Vietnam ban". Thanhnien, May 04, 2014. www.thanhniennews.com/society/transgenders-seek-black-market-sex-changes-amid-vietnam-ban-25907.html.


    And of course Jack Molay's blog in general, and from a very different approach, Kay Brown's defence-of-blanchardism blog.

    Journal Articles & Studies

    • Horacio Roque Ramírez. "Archives of Sexual Crossings: The Meanings of Puerto Rican Topless Transgender Performer Vicki Starr". American Historical Association, January 3, 2014. https://aha.confex.com/aha/2014/webprogram/Paper14140.html.
    • Joycelyn Elders & Alana M. Steinman (co-chairs). San Francisco State University's Department of Political Science – Palm Center. Report of the Transgender Military Service Commission. Concludes that there is no compelling medical reason for the US military to continue its ban on transgender service members. Newsarticle. Report.
    • Human Rights Watch. 'I’m Scared to Be a Woman': Human Rights Abuses Against Transgender People in Malaysia, September 2014. ReportSummary.

    Archives of Sexual Behavior

    • Sari L. Reisner, Katie Biello, Joshua G. Rosenberger, S. Bryn Austin, Sebastien Haneuse, Amaya Perez-Brumer, David S. Novak & Matthew J. Mimiaga. "Using a Two-Step Method to Measure Transgender Identity in Latin America/the Caribbean, Portugal, and Spain". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 8, November 2014: 1503-14. Abstract.
    • John F. Strang, Lauren Kenworthy, Aleksandra Dominska, Jennifer Sokoloff, Laura E. Kenealy, Madison Berl, Karin Walsh, Edgardo Menvielle, Graciela Slesaransky-Poe, Kyung-Eun Kim, Caroline Luong-Tran, Haley Meagher & Gregory L. Wallace. "Increased Gender Variance in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 8, November 2014: 1525-33. Abstract.
    • Cecilia Dhejne, Katarina Öberg, Stefan Arver & Mikael Landén. "An Analysis of All Applications for Sex Reassignment Surgery in Sweden, 1960–2010: Prevalence, Incidence, and Regrets". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 8, November 2014: 1525-33. Abstract.
    • Fernanda T. Bianchi, Carol A. Reisen, Maria Cecilia Zea, Salvador Vidal-Ortiz, Felisa A. Gonzales, Fabián Betancourt, Marcela Aguilar & Paul J. Poppen. "Sex Work Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Bogotá". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 8, November 2014: 1637-50. Abstract.
    • Jesse B. Fletcher, Kimberly A. Kisler & Cathy J. Reback. "Housing Status and HIV Risk Behaviors Among Transgender Women in Los Angeles". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 8, November 2014: 1651-61. Abstract.
    • Anne A. Lawrence. "Gender Assignment Dysphoria in the DSM-5". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 7, October 2014: 1263-66. Abstract.
    • Sean Roerink, Diane Marsman, Arianne van Bon & Romana Netea-Maier. "A Missed Diagnosis of Acromegaly During a Female-to-Male Gender Transition". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 6, August 2014: 1193-1201. Abstract.
    • Doug P. VanderLaan & Paul L. Vasey. "Evidence of Cognitive Biases for Maximizing Indirect Fitness in Samoan Fa’afafine". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 5, July 2014: 1009-22. Abstract.
    • Lisette Kuyper & Ciel Wijsen. "Gender Identities and Gender Dysphoria in the Netherlands". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 2, February 2014: 377-385. Abstract. "Results showed that 4.6% of the natal men and 3.2% of the natal women reported an ambivalent gender identity (equal identification with other sex as with sex assigned at birth) and 1.1% of the natal men and 0.8% of the natal women reported an incongruent gender identity (stronger identification with other sex as with sex assigned at birth). "
    • Vickie Pasterski, Liam Gilligan & Richard Curtis. "Traits of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults with Gender Dysphoria". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 2, February 2014: 387-93. Abstract.
    • Mathieu Lemaire, Barbara Thomazeau & Frédérique Bonnet-Brilhault. "Gender Identity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder in a 23-Year-Old Female". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 2, February 2014: 395-8. Abstract.
    • Tahiana Signorini Andreazza, Angelo Brandelli Costa, Raffael Massuda, Jaqueline Salvador, Esalba Maria Silveira, Felipe Piccon, Renata Carvalho, Anna Martha Vaitses Fontanari, Walter Koff, Paulo Belmonte-de-Abreu & Maria Inês Rodrigues Lobato. "Discordant Transsexualism in Male Monozygotic Twins: Neuroanatomical and Psychological Differences". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 2, February 2014: 399-405. Abstract.
    • Katrien Wierckx, Julie De Zaeytijd, Els Elaut, Gunter Heylens & Guy T’Sjoen. "Bilateral Non-arteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy in a Transsexual Woman Using Excessive Estrogen Dosage". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 2, February 2014: 407-9. Abstract.
    • Robyn A. Jackowich, Thomas W. Johnson, Pierre Brassard, Maud Bélanger & Richard Wassersug. "Age of Sex Reassignment Surgery for Male-to-Female Transsexuals". Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 1, January 2014: 13-5. Abstract.

    International Journal of Transgenderism

    • Chiara Manieri, Elena Castellano, Chiara Crespi, Cataldo Di Bisceglie, Carlotta Dell’Aquila, Anna Gualerzi & Mariateresa Molo. "Medical Treatment of Subjects with Gender Identity Disorder: The Experience in an Italian Public Health Center". International Journal of Transgenderism, 15,2, August 2014: 53-65. Abstract.
    • SJ Langer. "Our Body Project: From Mourning to Creating the Transgender Body". International Journal of Transgenderism, 15,2, August 2014: 66-75. Abstract.
    • Stephanie Beryl Gazzola & Melanie Ann Morrison. "Cultural and Personally Endorsed Stereotypes of Transgender Men and Transgender Women: Notable Correspondence or Disjunction?". International Journal of Transgenderism, 15,2, August 2014: 76-99. Abstract.
    • Louis F. Graham, Halley P Crissman, Jack Tocco, Laura A. Hughes, Rachel C. Snow & Mark B. Padilla. "Interpersonal Relationships and Social Support in Transitioning Narratives of Black Transgender Women in Detroit". International Journal of Transgenderism, 15,2, August 2014: 100-113. Abstract.
    • Yadavendra Singh, Abhina Aher, Simran Shaikh, Sonal Mehta, James Robertson & Venkatesan Chakrapani. "Gender Transition Services for Hijras and Other Male-to-Female Transgender People in India: Availability and Barriers to Access and Use". International Journal of Transgenderism, 15,1, April 2014: 1-15. Abstract.
    • D. Brienne Hagen & M. Paz Galupo. "Trans* Individuals’ Experiences of Gendered Language with Health Care Providers: Recommendations for Practitioners". International Journal of Transgenderism, 15,1, April 2014: 16-34. Abstract.
    • Crystal Boza & Kathryn Nicholson Perry. "Gender-Related Victimization, Perceived Social Support, and Predictors of Depression Among Transgender Australians". International Journal of Transgenderism, 15,1, April 2014: 35-52. Abstract.

    Journal of Homosexuality

    • Heidi M. Levitt & Maria R. Ippolito. "Being Transgender: The Experience of Transgender Identity Development". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 12, September 2014: 1727-58. Abstract.
    • François Soyer. "The Inquisitorial Trial of a Cross-Dressing Lesbian: Reactions and Responses to Female Homosexuality in 18th-Century Portugal". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 11, July 2014: 1529-57. Abstract.
    • Jamie Feldman, Rebecca Swinburne Romine & Walter O. Bocktin. "HIV Risk Behaviors in the U.S. Transgender Population: Prevalence and Predictors in a Large Internet Sample". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 11, July 2014: 1558-88. Abstract.
    • Carla A. Pfeffer. "Making Space for Trans Sexualities". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Apr 2014: 597-604. Abstract.
    • Talia Mae Bettcher. "When Selves Have Sex: What the Phenomenology of Trans Sexuality Can Teach About Sexual Orientation". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Apr 2014: 605-620. Abstract. "This erotic experience of self is necessary for other-directed gendered desire, where the two are bound together and mutually informing. One consequence of the theory is that the controversial notion of “autogynephilia” is rejected. Another consequence is that the distinction between gender identity and sexual orientation is softened."
    • Lucas Cassidy Crawford. "Derivative Plumbing: Redesigning Washrooms, Bodies, and Trans Affects in ds+r’s Brasserie". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Apr 2014: 621-35. Abstract.
    • Sara Davidmann. "Imag(in)ing Trans Partnerships: Collaborative Photography and Intimacy". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Apr 2014: 636-53. Abstract.
    • Tamar Doorduin & Willy van Berlo. "Trans People’s Experience of Sexuality in the Netherlands: A Pilot Study". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Apr 2014: 654-72. Abstract.
    • Elijah Adiv Edelman & Lal Zimman. "Boycunts and Bonus Holes: Trans Men’s Bodies, Neoliberalism, and the Sexual Productivity of Genitals". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Dec 2013: 673-90. Abstract.
    • Sel J. Hwahng & Larry Nuttbrock. "Adolescent Gender-Related Abuse, Androphilia, and HIV Risk Among Transfeminine People of Color in New York City". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Dec 2013: 691-713. Abstract.
    • Laura E. Kuper, Laurel Wright & Brian Mustanski. "Stud Identity Among Female-Born Youth of Color: Joint Conceptualizations of Gender Variance and Same-Sex Sexuality". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Dec 2013: 714-31. Abstract.
    • Kristen Schilt & Elroi Windsor. "The Sexual Habitus of Transgender Men: Negotiating Sexuality Through Gender". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Jan 2014: 732-48. Abstract.
    • ELiza Steinbock. "On the Affective Force of “Nasty Love”". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Dec 2013: 749-65. Abstract.
    • Avery Brooks Tompkins. "“There’s No Chasing Involved”: Cis/Trans Relationships, “Tranny Chasers,” and the Future of a Sex-Positive Trans Politics". Journal of Homosexuality, 61, 5, Dec 2013: 766-80. Abstract

     TransQueer Workshop, Sydney, 13-14 February 2014, organized by Peter Jackson, Australian National University, attracted international leaders in the field from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. Key note addresses by Meaghan Morris and Raewyn Connell.

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