See also US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Australia/NZ,Europeans in the Americas.
- Ella Zoyara (1840 – 1879) from St Louis, a circus equestrian who entranced counts and kings. GVWW
- Jane Heap (1883 – 1964) from Kansas, editor of The Little Review, studied with Gurdjieff in Paris, set up London Gurdjieffian group. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA
- Ricky Renée (1925 – ) Jewel Box Revue performer from Indiana, moved to London, voted one of Top Ten Artists, cameo in Cabaret, 1972. DE.WIKIPEDIA
- Les Lee (1929 – 2010) Quebec performer who became a star at Le Carousel. GVWW
- Sonne Teal (193? – 1966) Canadian star of Le Carousel died on a Japanese tour. GVWW
- Jean Fredericks (193? – 197? ) Toronto opera singer, organized London drag balls. GVWW
- Angie Stardust (1940 – 2007) Jewel Box Review performer from Virginia who became a star on Hamburg’s Reeperbahn. GVWW
- Camille Cabral (1944 – ) Brazilian dermatologist and activist in Paris. GVWW PT.WIKIPEDIA FR.WIKIPEDIA
- Rachel Pollack (1945 – ) New Yorker who became the London GLF TV/TS contact person. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA
- Yeda Brown (194? – ) from Rio Grande do Sul, performed at Le Carrousel, settled in Spain, muse of Salvador Dali. GVWW
- Sabrina Ramet (194? – ) Californian Political Scientist, specialist on eastern Europe, editor of Gender Reversals and Gender Cultures, professor in Norway. DE.WIKIPEDIA
- Brenda Lee (1948 – 1996) one of the first São Paulo sex workers to work in Paris. She returned to set up a health care centre before being murdered. GVWW PT.WIKIPEDIA
- Ajita Wilson (1950- 1987) New York film actor who became a star in Euro-trash films. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA
- Desire Dubounet (1951 – ) Ohio inventor and performer who fled the FDA and lives in Budapest. GVWW
- Del LaGrace Volcano (1957 – ) Californian gender queer photographer based in UK. EN.WIKIPEDIA
- Fernanda Farias de Albuquerque (1963 – 1999) and Ingrid de Souza (1976 - ) Fernanda was a sex worker from the Nordesta who published her autobiography after time in Roman prison and became an Italian celebrity. Ingrid, also Brazilian, played Fernanda in the film. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA IT.WIKIPEDIA
- Roberta Close (1964 – ) Brazilian model living in Switzerland. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA
- Lazlo Pearlman (1972 – ) US actor, based in London. GVWW
- Monica León (1975 – ) Argentinian activist who fled to Paris after the 2004 police assault on the Gondolin Hotel. GVWW
- Lea T (1981 – ) from Belo Horizonte, schooled in Italy, famous model. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA