- Sporus (? - 69) after Nero killed his wife Poppaea, he had his slave Sporus castrated and dressed like her. Sporus was at Nero's death and became the consort of his successor. GWVVEN.WIKIPEDIA
- Elagabalus (203 – 222) Roman Emperor from age 14 to 18. Reputed to do what would now be regarded as gay and trans. EN.WIKIPEDIA
- Roland Ronchaia (? - 1354) sex worker during the Black Death. GVWW
- Bellino (1732 – 1790) castrato impersonator. GVWW
- Giorgia O'Brien (1928 – 2004) travesti, singer, actor. GVWWIT.WIKIPEDIA
- Dominot (1930 - ) performer at Le Carousel and in Rome. Star in Fellini's La Dolce Vita. GVWW IT.WIKIPEDIA
- Maria Starace (1932 - ) writer, actor, painter. In 1959 the most famous homosexual in Italy; in 1983 the most famous transsexual. GVWWIT.WIKIPEDIA
- Marcella do Folco (1943 – 2010) film actor at Cinecitta, Movimento Italiano Transsessuali activist, Bologna city councillor. GVWW IT.WIKIPEDIA
- Roberta Franciolini (1945 – 2011) activist. GVWW
- Mario Mieli (1952 - 1983) Marxist pioneer transvestite/gay activist and theorist who argued that the repressive system stifles natural transsexuality. EN.WIKIPEDIAIT.WIKIPEDIA
- Eva Robin's (1958 - ) model, singer, actor. GVWWEN.WIKIPEDIAIT.WIKIPEDIA
- Robertina Manganaro (1958 - ) aristocrat, doctor, model, designer. GVWW
- Mirella Izzo (1959 - ) activist, founder of Chrysalis AzioneTrans. IT.WIKIPEDIA
- Luana Ricci (1963 - ) musicista in Lecce. GVWW
- Vladimir Luxuria (1965 - ) activist, actor, Member of Parliament. GVWWEN.WIKIPEDIAIT.WIKIPEDIA
- Martina Castellana (196? - ) dermatologist, Salerno city councillor. GVWW
- Davide Tolu (1969 - ) writer, translator, activist. GVWW
- Ketty Gabriele (1981 - ) Camorristi. GVWWEN.WIKIPEDIA
18 trans persons in Italy who changed things by example and/or achievement