See also US, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Australia/NZ, Americans in Europe, Europeans in the Americas, Africa.
- Emil Vacano (1840 – 1892) circus equestrian as Signora Sangumeta, and later a novelist. GVWWDE.WIKIPEDIA
- Daniel Paul Schreber (1842 – 1911) Senatspräsident of the Superior Court in Dresden, became convinced that he was being transformed into a woman, and that he was to be the wife of God. Analysed by Sigmund Freud. GVWWEN.WIKIPEDIA
- Herman von Teschenberg (1866 – 1911) barrister, translator. Photos in DieTransvestiten. GVWWEN.WIKIPEDIA
- Karl Baer (1885 – 1956) social worker, feminist, first ftm surgical change, accountant. EN.WIKIPEDIA
- Dörchen Richter (1891 - 1933) maid at Hirschfeld's Institute, world's first surgical mtf change. GVWW
- Dora Ratjen (1918 – 2008) high-jumper in the 1936 Olympics. GVWWEN.WIKIPEDIA
- Jeanette Schmid (1924 – 2005) performed as Baroness Lips von Lipstrill, whistler. GVWW
- Charlotte von Mahlsdorf (1928 – 2002) curator of the Gründerzeit Museum, biography filmed by Rosa von Praunheim. GVWWEN.WIKIPEDIA.
- Jean Lessenich ( 1942 - ) artist. GVWWDE.WIKIPEDIA
- Romy Haag (1951 - ) Dutch performer, nightclub owner in Berlin. GVWWEN.WIKIPEDIA.
- Anna-Varney Cantodea ( 1952 - ) Darkwave musician. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA
- Christian Schenk (1952 - ) physicist, politician. GVWW DE.WIKIPEDIA
- Lilo Wanders (1955 - ) television personality. GVWW DE.WIKIPEDIA
- Michaela Lindner (1958 - ) politician, theatrical agent. GVWW DE.WIKIPEDIA
- Andreas Krieger (1966 - ) shotput champion, anti-doping activist. GVWWDE.WIKIPEDIA
- Nadia Brönimann (1969 - ) steward, performer, 2 autobiographies. GVWW
- Gloria Gray (1970 - ) performer. GVWWDE.WIKIPEDIA
- Monika Strub (1975 - ) nurse, photographer, political candidate. GVWW
- Balian Buschbaum (1980 - ) pole vaulter. DE.WIKIPEDIA
- Kim Petras (1992 - ) musician. EN.WIKIPEDIA